Vaginal Yeast Infection


What is it?
A naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans (C. albicans) usually causes this type of vaginitis. An estimated three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime.

How is it contracted?
Yeast infections occur when certain internal or external factors change the normal environment of your vagina and trigger an overgrowth of a microscopic fungus — the most common being a fungus called Candida albicans (C. albicans). Besides causing most vaginal yeast infections, C. albicans also causes infections in other moist areas of your body, such as your mouth (thrush), skin folds and fingernail beds. The fungi can also cause diaper rash.

Factors that increase your risk of yeast infections include:
Medications such as antibiotics and steroids
Uncontrolled diabetes
Hormonal changes, such as those associated with pregnancy and birth control pills
Bubble baths, vaginal contraceptives, damp or tight fitting clothing and feminine hygiene products such as sprays and deodorants don't cause yeast infections, but they may increase your susceptibility to infection.

Incubation Period:
Anywhere from 12 hours to five days

The main symptom is itching, but you may have a white, thick discharge that resembles cottage cheese.

Your doctor may take a sample of a cervical or vaginal discharge for laboratory analysis.

Treatment: Antibiotics .

If you are not treated:
Generally, vaginal yeast infections don't cause serious complications. If it is not treated the itch may persist.